Christmas in January

We were very fortunate to get to see all our kids this Christmas. It was just spread out a bit. We had one in November when Jared was here, one on Christmas Eve with Megan and Eleanor and a final one with Shane, Casey, and Megan and Eleanor again. Eleanor thought it was great she got to open presents lots of times. Although... it may have been a bit confusing. I think we all enjoyed each celebration.

Shane digs into his gifts, including the Texas A&M lawn gnome (had to look up the spelling on that one).

Eleanor helps Mimi and Papaw open a BIG present.

The excitement is over and the big kids sit back and chill.

Eleanor dances and sings for our entertainment.

The big box is her favorite toy. She even gets to draw on it.

Alex wants to play too.

Papaw's hat is fun. I just had a really hard time catching her with it on. She would put it on and spin around and let it fall off, then laugh. She would stop every time I got the camera out.

I did catch this rear view of Little Miss Droopy Drawers.
We had a great extented holiday!!

1 comment:

GG said...

Looks like we missed a great time! Wish we could have been there.