Sleepover With Eleanor

Last weekend was a real treat for Danny and I. Eleanor got to spend the day with us on Saturday and all night. It was her first time to spend the night with anyone other than her mom and dad, and she did very well. She would ask for her Mommy every once in awhile, but we just told her Mommy had gone to town and she was ok with that.

We had lots of fun playing with toys, reading books and playing in the dirt outside. Is there any child alive who doesn't like to play in the dirt? :) We even went to Wal-Mart to get groceries and she was a very good girl for me. I fed my neighbor's dogs and horses on Saturday evening and she went with me to "help". She liked playing in the barn and watching the horses.

I've attached a few of the pictures I took below. It sure was fun having Eleanor with us for the weekend, and I hope her Mommy lets us do it again soon.

Eleanor is riding a wooden cow that one of my neighbors loaned us. She wasn't sure about it a first, but now she rides it like it's a bucking bull. She doesn't have clothes on because we had just gotten in from playing in the dirt and had a bath.

Mimi bought her a pumpkin for Halloween at Wal-Mart.

Mimi and Papaw read lots of books.

I was trying to take her picture and she came straight up to my camera and said, "Smile". She knew what she was suppose to do. It sure was cute and you can really see those beautiful brown eyes of hers.


GG said...

Oh, how we would have loved to have been there!!!!! I just can't believe how much she has changed in looks!!! Gets more beautiful everytime we see her pictures!

Megan said...

How's tomorrow sound?! :)