Divers In -- Trash Out

This is a picture of four of our best diving buddies; Micky & Debbie D. and David & Debbie Y. We had a great time diving in the Comal River a couple of weeks ago. We participated in a trashfest sponsored by Texas Gulf Coast Council of Dive Clubs in New Braunfels, TX. There were three teams of eight divers each representing our East Texas area and Scuba Steves Aquatic Adventures, we all did quite well in the competition, earning a second and fourth place in the weight category, and a third place in the number of items picked up. My team was the Reef Rangers we weighed in 556 pounds of trash. The Angelfish weighed in 372 pounds and the Chicken Divers had 1083 pieces of trash. Our divers worked so hard to get that trash out of the water, bagged and then up two very long flights of stairs. The TGCCDC reports:

"We had perfect weather and 294 participants on 42 teams. All told, we weighed in 4353 lbs of trash from the river, and counted another 7215 cans, plus 229 shoes and sunglasses. The participation figure is a record for this decade, and the shoes and sunglasses number was the highest count in 10 years!"

Saturday evening we were all treated to a fabulous BBQ dinner
and awards were handed out. All our of teams earned "Super Scooper" dive
shirts. There was also a drawing for some nice prizes and a few of our folks
were lucky then too (not me this time). The best reward for me was when some of the people floating down the river thanked us for cleaning up the river. That's what it was all about and we had some much fun doing it. We have such a good group of people we dive with. They have all become friends and we look forward to our next adventure.

1 comment:

Megan said...

That's so great that you guys do that each year!

Sorry no prizes this time. :(